Wednesday 30 April 2008

Well, I'm done.

It's a very hollow sort of victory. Yes, I've written 100 pages of script, but most of them weren't worth the effort. But I did manage to write all 100 pages in two days. That's certainly noteworthy. But I don't know.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Day Twenty-Nine Total: 45 pages

It's been two weeks, and I actually seriously, honestly haven't written anything since whenever it was that I last blogged.

Actually, wait, I did. But I didn't type it up, so I didn't bother to count it.

Anyway, since then I have completely, 100% started over again... this afternoon... well, yesterday afternoon. And I am ridiculously pleased with how well it's gone.

I'm actually at 50 pages (my goal before sleeping was to get to 48, but I was on a bit of a roll... I added an unexpected scene and I really like the way it's turned out), which I got to after midnight. I'm not even sure how many I wrote yesterday, but that's probably an underestimate.

I'm guessing that tomorrow, on the last day of the Frenzy, it's going to be a lot harder to crank out the last fifty. In the previous fifty, I'd really thought out most of it because this second plot started out as a story (that I began writing in between quitting the last script, and starting this one). And where I've stopped is pretty much where I got up to in writing it. I mean, it was good that I was able to steal bits of script which meant that it was less thinking and more typing and therefore higher page count and easier to complete.

Oh well, it still doesn't change the fact that I've written nearly ten thousand words in a day, even if I'd thought them previously.

I am so psyched, maybe I won't go to bed just yet. Maybe I'll write a bit more... then again, it's probably better to quit in the middle of a roll so that I'll be able to pick it up easier when I start again tomorrow...

Nah, I'm going to type. Stuff everything else. =D

Monday 14 April 2008


I'm really off and out of it lately. And I don't think that's going to change any time soon. I just... need an outlet. And I'm trying to find one and I'm not really succeeding... The most satisfying thing at this moment in time will probably be to smash the keyboard. So here goes:

aeio;sfajio;erajiojioaweeerjafmkl;sdnl;sxf saj agrjesdskl, I don't really feel any better...

Sunday 13 April 2008

I've written nothing the past few days.

I'm considering scrapping my script and starting afresh, but that's so much work and I can't be bothered.

I think it's Sophomore Screnzy Syndrome. You think it's easy the second time around because you did so well the first time. But I got through my second year of NaNo just fine, so I think I'll be okay. If nothing else, I'll see if I can accomplish my only-in-my-dreams goal of writing a script in two days... after all, it's not over until it's over, and if I'm still nowhere near finished on the 29th, I'm just going to have to.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Day Eight Total: 33 pages

Le sigh. I am slowing down greatly.

Monday 7 April 2008

Day Seven Total: 30 pages

Yes. You read that correctly. I did not write a single word yesterday.

Sunday 6 April 2008

Day Six Total: 30 pages

I was very surprised to discover that I'd written five more pages. Time passes, pages get written and yet, I don't notice.